Wonder Wand mobile HF Antenna for Yaesu FT-817
I have always been fascinated by the
idea of making long distance contacts using small hand-held radios.
Anyone can work DX if they can put up big antennas and have a powerful
transmitter. But to make contacts over hundreds or thousands of miles
using a station you can set up in a corner of a desk or even hold in
your hand, and which requires no external antenna - now that's a real
QRP operators know
that a few watts into a length of wire can easily work the world,
especially on CW. But the wire needs to be long, and requires supports
to keep it up in the air. For ultimate portability you want an antenna
that can support itself and be carried with the radio, or even mounted
on it, so it is ready in an instant and can be used anywhere.
was for this reason that I purchased a Miracle Whip several years ago.
At the time it seemed like the perfect antenna to use with my
newly-acquired FT-817, one that would allow me to fully exploit its
portability. Of course, a small antenna like that is not going to be
very efficient, but it did allow contacts to be made in situations
where it would otherwise have been too much bother to carry or set up
the radio.
The FT-817 and Miracle Whip were sold in 2002, but a few years later I bought an FT-817ND and an ATX Walkabout
antenna. The ATX is an excellent antenna that works extremely well for
its size. However I was still on the lookout for something better.
Wonder Wand had been marketed for some time as a British version of
the Miracle Whip. In 2007 I purchased the new Wonder Wand Combo with a
tunable counterpoise. I was not all that impressed with it, and wrote a
rather unfavourable review after carrying out a comparative test with
the ATX using WSPR beacon mode to obtain signal strength reports. After
an exchange of emails with the manufacturer who felt that my findings
were untypical, it was discovered my example had an unsoldered joint
that may have contributed to the poor performance. The manufacturer
offered to replace it with a sample of a brand new model that has not
even been advertised at the time of writing. So here is my exclusive world first review of the Wonder Wand L-Whip Antenna.
Wonder Wand L-Whip looks similar to a Miracle Whip, and almost
identical to the earlier Wonder Wand Combo. It mounts directly on the
back of the radio using its integral PL-259 connector, and has two
controls that face forward for ease of access. The lower control is a
bandswitch which has eight positions, marked 1.8-3.5, 7, 10, 14, 18-21, 24-28, 50 and UHF. These positions select taps on an inductor, according to the amateur band you want to use.
this is a rotary control that is continuously calibrated from 1 to 10.
This is a tuning capacitor that is used to tune the antenna for
maximum signal and minimum SWR on the selected band. The tuning is quite
sharp and this control allows the antenna to cover a wide range.
Although the L-Whip is clearly designed for the ham bands, it could be
used to receive the short wave broadcast bands as well, although I have
not checked to see if the entire short wave spectrum is tunable without
gaps in the coverage.
top of the antenna is mounted a 7-section black telescopic whip 125cm
(50 inches) in length. As with the Miracle Whip and earlier Wonder Wand
models, the whip antenna is not removable. That's a pity, as it would
reduce the length of the antenna when packed away.
the bottom of the antenna there is a knurled thumbscrew for attaching a
ground or counterpoise. One of the claimed benefits of the Miracle
Whip and earlier Wonder Wand models was that the transformer loading
allowed them to be matched to the transmitter without the need for a
ground. The L-Whip can be tuned to a reasonable match without a ground
or counterpoise on some bands, but I would only recommend this for
casual listening as it incurs a substantial loss of transmitting
a ground or counterpoise is required for best results it is not
particularly critical. If the transceiver is being powered from a mains
supply then there may be a good enough ground connection through the
negative lead back to the house wiring earth connection. Alternatively a
wire can be used to ground the antenna to the copper pipes of a
central heating system.
used out of doors, a few metres of wire laying on the ground is
generally all that is needed. It should not be necessary to use separate
quarter wave lengths for each band. However, the length should not be
close to a half wavelength - which would have a high impedance and be
ineffective - so you might need to use a shorter wire on the higher
frequencies. I found that performance can be affected by the choice of
counterpoise, so some experimentation may be necessary.
it was winter time when this evaluation was carried out, all testing
was performed indoors with the FT-817 and L-Whip standing on a corner
of the desk in my first floor shack. Grounding was provided through the
negative lead of the shack power supply, but I also made up a short
fly lead with an alligator clip on one end which I used to link the
antenna's ground terminal to a nearby central heating radiator.
Electrical principles
Miracle Whip adopted the novel and rather controversial approach of
using a specially made variable transformer to match the short whip to
the 50 ohm transceiver. This enabled a low SWR to be achieved - at the
expense of efficiency due to losses in the transformer. The transformer
was a fragile component that was easily burned out by the application
of more power than that for which it was designed - bear in mind that
the Miracle Whip was originally designed specifically for the 5W
original Wonder Wand followed the same principles but used a more
robust toroidal transformer with fixed taps pre-tuned to each amateur
band. This reputedly allowed it to handle up to 40W PEP, and to survive
the accidental application of 100W - which would destroy a Miracle Whip
in a heartbeat. However the fixed taps precluded tuning to allow
reception of other parts of the short wave spectrum, or even to
compensate for the effects of different situations, except by adjusting
the whip length.
the Wonder Wand L-Whip also has a toroidal inductor to save space, it
uses more conventional methods to match the antenna. The small box
contains a miniature L-match tuning circuit - hence the antenna's name.
The antenna's designer, Carl Peake, a medium-wave broadcast engineer,
claims: "the fact that ALL our MF sites use an "L" Match to drive their
single mast monopoles is testament that this type of tuner always
gives results!"
toroidal inductor is tapped to provide the correct amount of
inductance needed to match a short whip on each of the HF amateur bands.
This is a compromise compared to using a continuously tunable
rollercoaster as in many home-brew L-matches, but is obviously the only
practical solution for reasons of cost and size.
tuning capacitor is a polyvaricon type as used in transistor radios.
Probably because of the low breakdown voltage of the tuning capacitor,
the Wonder Wand L-Whip is rated to handle no more than 15W PEP, which
is less than the Miracle Whip. FT-817 owners should not be concerned
about this, but users of other low power radios will need to watch
their output power.
On the air
on the air with the Wonder Wand L-Whip is simplicity itself. Just
attach it to the antenna socket on the back of the radio, turn the band
selector to the band you are listening on, and peak the tuning control
for maximum noise or signal.
you are powering your radio from batteries, or your mains supply does
not provide a good ground, then as already mentioned you'll need to
attach a counterpoise wire or a ground wire to the ground screw on the
antenna. The rule of thumb with all vertical antennas is: the better the
ground, the better the signal. If the noise level increases when you
put your hand on the radio, you need a better ground.
tuning of this antenna is pretty sharp, which is a good sign. If the
tuning seems really broad, or you can't find a clear point of maximum
signal at all, then something is wrong. I found that four times out of
five, I could tune the antenna to no SWR bars on the FT-817 meter just
by ear. On the fifth occasion a slight tweak of the control during the
first few seconds of the transmission was all that was necessary to get
a perfect match.
very satisfying having a continuously variable tuning control to
select the absolute optimum tuning position, rather than the click stop
tuning of the earlier Wonder Wand models, which always made me feel
that it wasn't tuned up properly.
analyzer measurements showed that the SWR on each band was often quite
a long way from 1:1. This is probably the result of the fixed inductor
tuning. However it is nothing to worry about. It close enough to keep
the FT-817 happy, with zero SWR bars being obtainable on every band
except 160m, on which it was still possible to obtain a very reasonable
two bars.
Wonder Wand L-Whip provides good reception on all the amateur bands,
with plenty of signals reaching S9 or more even without the aid of the
FT-817's preamp. Now you can use your '817 as a bedside radio! It's
also quite easy to make contacts, at least on 20m and up, as long as
you are realistic about what QRP into a short antenna can achieve.
my first try on the air I called Henry, ES7FQ, who was almost end-stop
calling CQ on 20m SSB. After asking me to repeat my call a couple of
times, he came back with a 5 and 9 report (blaming splatter from an
adjacent frequency for why he had trouble copying me) and said "Your 5
watts is coming over here very well." This was very pleasing! However,
on the whole, making contacts on SSB with QRP and such a small antenna
is going to be difficult, and you need to get used to the fact that a
lot of stations you call just won't hear you.
much easier to make contacts on the narrow band modes such as PSK31
and CW. I have made several solid contacts on 20m at distances of
around 1,000km running 5W using PSK31, PSK63 and MFSK16. The FT-817 plus
L-Whip and a small "netbook" style of computer makes a perfect
portable data modes station.
the lower frequency bands I have not, so far, made any contacts of any
significant distance although it is possible to make local contacts of
a few km on 80m and 160m. The bands above 20m have been more or less
dead during the test period, so I haven't been able to try them, but I
would expect results to be better than on 20m. I once made a 10m FM
contact into Malta (9H1) from a mountaintop using a modified CB handie
with a rubber duck antenna and a couple of watts, so when conditions are
good anything is possible.
WSPR tests
FT-817 / L-Whip combo was operated for many hours using WSPR (Weak
Signal Propagation Reporter) mode. Its signals were spotted on 20m,
30m, 40m and 80m all over Europe, while signals were received from as
far afield as Tasmania. You can't get much further from the UK than
WSPR tests gave me the opportunity to compare the signal radiated by
the Wonder Wand L-Whip with that radiated by my main antennas located
in the attic a couple of metres above my shack. At a rough estimate the
signal radiated by the L-Whip is about 13dB down on a dipole on 30m
and 20m. That's the same difference as turning the power down from 100W
to 5W. This represents a drop of just over two S-points, though to be
fair, most transceiver S-meters are more like 3dB per S-point, which
would result in a more than 4 S-point drop. On 80m the signal reports
received using the L-Whip were 15dB below my dipole, which being
shortened using end-loading is probably a few dB below a full-sized
dipole by itself.
WSPR I did some comparative tests with the ATX Walkabout antenna. The
L-Whip's designer claims that in his own tests the two antennas are
just about equal. In my WSPR tests the ATX seemed to get reports that
were slightly better than the L-Whip. As noted earlier, the particular
ground / counterpoise used can affect the performance of these short
whip antennas, so this may explain the difference.
live in a VHF black hole and never hear anything above 30MHz except
during sporadic-E openings in May and June on 6 meters. However, the
Wonder Wand L-Whip has two switch positions marked "50" and "UHF" so I
thought I would do what I could to test them.
telescopic whip is too short to be a quarter wave on 6 meters. While
turning the tuning control anticlockwise with the switch in the "50"
position the SWR can be reduced to no bars on the FT-817 meter. However
the received noise level and presumably transmitted signal goes down
in this direction. Turning the control clockwise the noise increases,
though no peak is reached, but the SWR increases considerably. Checks
with an antenna analyzer show that an SWR minimum occurs several MHz
above 50MHz, probably corresponding to the frequency for which the whip
is a quarter wave long. Therefore it does not appear to be possible to
use this antenna on 6 meters.
2 meters you use the final "UHF" position, turn the tuning control
fully clockwise and shorten the whip to a length of 48 centimeters (19
inches) to make a quarter wave. It is not possible to use this antenna
as a 5/8 wave, unlike the ATX Walkabout, which provided a few dB of gain
in this configuration.
whip sections are too long to make a quarter wave for 70cm, and no
other position was found that did not result in "High SWR" warnings
from the FT-817. Therefore, despite the "UHF" marking, it does not
appear to be possible to use the L-Whip on 70cm.
designer of the Wonder Wand L-Whip set out to create a Miracle Whip
killer, and in my opinion he has succeeded. This tiny antenna covers
all amateur HF bands from 160m to 10m, is usable for both receive and
transmit, and it can be used as a quarter wave on 2m into the bargain.
It looks good, is nice and easy to use, and is based on tried and
tested antenna design principles.
I did not have the opportunity to directly compare the L-Whip with a
Miracle Whip, having sold the latter several years ago, the fact that
the L-Whip uses a conventional L-match design rather than the lossy
variable matching transformer makes me strongly suspect that the L-Whip
will be a better performer than its Canadian rival.
to the ATX Walkabout the L-Whip is lighter, better looking, easier to
set up and much quicker to tune. Unlike the ATX there is no need to
fiddle with counterpoise lengths and shortening or extending whip
sections to get a match. However, the ATX does repay this extra effort
with, in my experience, slightly better performance, and it is cheaper.
haven't mentioned the price yet, mainly because I don't know it as at
the time of writing the Wonder Wand L-Whip has not been officially
announced. However, the designer has stated it will be "about the same
as the Miracle Whip." It will be available from Martin Lynch and Sons,
to whom all enquiries about price and availability should be addressed.
(It would be nice if you could mention me while doing so, then I might
be able to get a few favours from Chris. :) )
is the Wonder Wand L-Whip the Holy Grail that enthusiasts of
ultra-portable HF operation have been searching for? I think so. Yes, it
would be nice to have a bit more efficiency, but I think the L-Whip is
close to the practical limits of what can be achieved with an antenna
this small and this light.
Wonder Wand L-Whip is a great little antenna. It now has a permanent
place in the shoulder bag that carries my FT-817 and its other